Monday, 28 February 2011

Things are (finally) moving forward !

Hey there everyone !

Been a little while.
Just like on the other blog, this is quite a massive post so I'm a divide it into subsections.
And arm, yeah, enjoy and ... good luck

(if U're gonna read the whole lot) !

The vortex effect
I introduced this hellish website in a previous post.
It basically uses a sort of "vortex effect" (that's what I'm gonna call it), basically U zoom in/out of the picture forever.
I really love this effect and thou I'm not planning on doing anything with it on the short term, I was thinking of using it before this module started for some kind of work and I'm definitely gonna use it sooner or later !
I'm not too sure what actually gave me the idea, it's very reminiscent of music visualizations (Windows Media Player/Winamp), that could be it.
Anyways I did a bit of research on that and there's a couple other thingies that also use this really cool effect :
- Röyksopp - Eple -  a classic, beautiful song
- Je Danse Le Mia (suggested by Neil) - Gondry is just a genius
- Arrival - this is a video presenting still from a comic which Neil also showed us a couple of times in the lectures and that I noticed. There's that precise sequence in there that uses this particular effect, see the screenshots I took from the video below

You could argue that it's a mere zoom-out effect but I think the picture in the frame on the 1st images really acts like a link, there's more to it than that. Like family > guy in the cabin > boat.
It's an effect I'm very interested in, I might use it in my 3rd clock concept during he 3rd term, and even if I don't, it's still a really interesting effect/concept I will investigate further in the future.

Lastly, Duane Michaels's Things are Queer, which I was introduced to back in Level 0, features a similar effect.
I kind of used a vortex effect for the exercise page when you click on an app and that the whole page comes towards you while twirling, but there'll be more details on that in the other post.

Display problem > solved
One of the reoccurring problems I first came across while fixing the Haunted House and then while working on the website is : how to get rid of graphics on the screen, and especially buttons ?
On the website I just moved stuff out of the display area 'cause that was the simplest way but I wanted to do something better for the website, more elaborate, more professional let's say.
I experimented with addChild/removeChild.

The 1st experiment kinda worked but had a problem : if you removeChild a button that's moused over, when you addChild it, it's still moused over, whether or not your mouse is over it ! That was unexpected ... This seems 2 be an issue with Mozilla & Internet Explorer mainly, maybe it won't show on your browser, but it upset me greatly.

In the 2nd experiment, I experimented with another function that would disable the button function but keep the graphic on stage as a non-interactive item. See I want buttons to be clickable at precise points only, but the rest of the time I'll replace them with identical movie clips, so if a button could just stop being a button on demand that would save me the hassle of having to use 2 identical movieClip & button. Check out the 2 buttons at the button, the one at the bottom left toggles the button function of the one at the bottom right. It works until you use TAB.
For those unaware of that, you can use TAB in any Flash application to browse through all the interactive objects on screen, like you would in Windows or what have you. Try it, it should look something like that. See when the button is inactivated, it can't be selected with the mouse normally, BUT IT CAN if you use TAB. So that was a fail.

In the 3rd experiment I just got rid of that button enabler/disabler function and just fixed addChild/removeChild, and thought I'd just use stills (movieClip & buttons) instead.

Now the problem with addChild/removeChild is that unlike the visibility toggle, you can use it an infinite amount of times, if you remove a child twice you'll get an error and if you add one twice they will overlap and one will stay behind the next time you remove it.
Very frustrating and inaccurate stuff in my opinion !

So after spending a couple of days getting the addChild/removeChild-based script for the archive feature of the website to work (NOT a piece of cake), I realized that actually, the easiest way to do it was to use ... gotoAndStop !
You get a movie clip, stop it, add 2 frames 2 it, on frame 1 you stick a button, on frame 2, a movieClip identical to it ! Whenever the button is pressed then you get the movieclip to gotoAndStop(2).
Child's play ! AND flawless. It's what I used for all the buttons on the homepage, I just added a bit of code on top of that so all the button movieClips gotoAndStop(2) whenever ANY button is pressed on stage so functions won't interfere with each other.

Bottom line, what have we learned ? KEEP - SHIT - SIMPLE !
So nothing new, basically.

The missing link
I had totally forgotten that I had taken that pic of the Metro & plane tickets I used for my game ... there you go, for your eyes only :

Inspiration from way back
I managed to digg up a couple of Flash apps I used to have on my PC back in the day (around Middle School).
They've probably not all been developed with Flash but they're small .swf or .exe files that don't require installation and have probably been programmed using pretty basic script so I'm a post a link to them here.

YETISPORTS was a collection of games (there's more than 8 of them by now I'm sure) themed around North Pole animals & sports what have U. That's just a link to a picture, they must not be that hard to find. I'm pretty sure they were developed on Flash, they're fun, simple & effective, deffo what U'd aim 4 if U're developping a minigame.

BASKET (! link to .exe file !) I have no idea what the game is actually called but it's made in Flash too and is just as simple yet effective ... perhaps a bit dull actually but it's a good standard to aim for if you're working on your 1st game I think. I mean, it works ...

FISTIK (! link to .exe file !) Same here, not too sure what the actual name is ... and what language it's in. Except for the fact that torturing some dude on screen might not be every1's favourite hobby, it's another application that, thou very simple, works very well, a good interface reference to get started. I'm sure it was developed using Flash as well.

STRESSREDUCER (also known as "StressDeucer" for peoplez with no English skillz ... we used to call it like that lol) Thou this one was definetely not developed using Flash it's a really cool program that uses very simple mechanics also (a screenshot of your desktop ... that's about it !), check it out if you don't know it !

I don't know if any of these apps will have a direct link to what I'll be creating this year but I know them by heart, I played them over and over again and they're where I come from so I think they will be relevant to what I do, even if it's only by encouraging me to keep things simple (*that's a good thing :-D).

AddChild-based apps
AddChild seems to be the new cool thing !
I want to have little hearts floating out of a char's head for one of the apps I'm planning on developing and Andrew said that this technique would be the easiest way to do that, so he came up with this app very quickly to show me the mechanics.
It's extremely simple but I think it looks really cool so there it is.
I wanna develop it more, maybe have a 2nd loop that does something more similar to what's on the screen now.
I haven't figured out how 2 remove all the children yet, that's a problem ... but I'll get there.
BE CAREFUL THOU because children just add up and add up it might get slow and crack after a while so just close it or restart it, it'c better for you and your browser :-)

This app works the same way as this one which was featured in an earlier post.

I also rediscovered last week that Latong, a great source of inspiration for me (I check his website for updates like 4~5 times/week) created Flash content also !!! I had totally forgotten. Enjoy !
They range from simple to complicated, they're well done and some are quite advanced and visually stunning (the one with the particles), definetely check it out !

Pixel Madness !
Sir Angrew said it wasn't possible to import .gifs into Flash ... and he was wrong !
I found out my mistake ... Anyways, there's the proof :

Homebrew animated .gif
Same thing but as a .swf

... and that's awesome 'cause I love working with pixels & .gifs. I might wanna use that later.
I spent an aweful lot of time on MPaint & GifView putting .gifs like the one above together until very recently (and I'll get back to it soon too).
GifView is a very simple basic software that a friend (one of them friends that are into coding and stuff, kno what I mean) gave to me ages ago, it lets you create .gifs frame by frame, the window looks like that. I like simple things and processes, it's less likely to mess up and thou it sometimes takes longer you get a real sense of achievement when you don't take shortcuts. I miss the old days, when I started using MSPaint Windows looked like this and it was actually called PaintBrush. The Old MSPaint is great but I'm so sick of the pimped version they got as default on Windows 7, I gotta get my hands on a vintage that's back compatible some time ...

Pretty sketches !
There's 3 pages of my sketchbooks that are relevant to this project and the website one.

Cool cover just for the crack
Experiments for the clue notes
Calculation, Haunted House fixing process (bottom of 1st page & top of 2nd)

Updated title graphics
I updated the title graphics so they follow the website's theme.
Also wherever you go on the website there's little icons to access other pages so if the blog is part of the website (which it is supposed to be) it should include a link to at least one other page too !
So I squeezed a homepage graphic in there.
If you still don't see what I'm on about, check out the following before-after comparison.

Unnecessary advanced link research
I was planning on doing some research to find out how to have separate HTML links within the same Flash application. I've seen that online before, I'll update if I can find the link back. That was also because I was originally planning of having each page as a separate Flash app but that I now have the entire website as one Flash app. Anyways, as the loading for the entire website happens at the very start, I can't link to separate pages 'cause I'd have to bypass the loading process and we don't want that. I also rather not go back to loading every time a page is clicked, it's better to get it done & over with at the start in my opinion (those things get on people's nerves if they happen 2 often, I rather avoid that). SO in the end I'm not gonna research how to have separate HTML links within the same Flash application. That was an update ...

... But not online.
Indeed, as I incorporated the loader inside the exercises page on the website and that the version with the exercises page is not online yet, you can't check it out !
I know, it blows ... sorry !
It will be online soon thou, I promise :-)
I'll keep this thing up to date ...

Real Flash Apps !
That's right !
After all this time !
There's my finals for the research :

Exercise 1 - Basic Tree
Exercise 1 - Red Tree
Exercise 1 - Colourful Tree

Exercise 2 - Domo

Exercise 3 - Random symbols

The Trees were not really inspired at all ... they just kinda happened. One thing I changed in the process of making them is that they were originally gonna be made up of the same MovieClip element repeated over and over again all within a main MovieClip, but because you have to play() & stop() the bastards every 5 minutes I decided to do everything by hand within the main MovieClip instead.

Domo was inspired by Domo-Kun, a weird character from Japanese descent, and by the fact that he really looks like a big turd (no hard feelings bro). I used codes from this classroom exercise in the process of making it. I gave up the idea of the little hearts coming out of its head, I might get back to it later. I used onion skins to draw the intro frame by frame for the 1st time as well, it was fun :-D. This animation and this one gave me the idea to do that.

Random was kinda inspired by last year's early Processing experiments (bottom of the page). It also uses this app's mechanics. You can change the icon that gets drawn if you click but it's sometimes a bit daft so your best bet is to click the hell out of it like in those minigames that count how many times you can click in 1 minute (don't overdo it thou, I broke a mouse like that, true story ... ). It's the only one that's not entirely straightforward so all in all it's not that bad I think.

Well that's all folks !
Thanks a lot for reading, I hope you learned something ... maybe not.
... But thanks anyways :-)

Expect a new update soon ... enough.

Ciao :-) !

Friday, 11 February 2011

Start off slow ?

Hey there guys !
Guess what !
I did some work :-D !

But not quite ... basically right we had a module centered around Flash last year. We had 2 assignments, a bit like in this module this year.
Assignment 1 was to hand in 3 exercises, assignment 2 was the final.

I did all that stuff BUT my final (as well as the 3rd exercise but I'll get to that in another post) did not quiiite work.
It did kinda ... but not really. Not 100%.

SO, because ... well I don't know why really, but the point is that I went back to my old Flash file for the final and FIXED THE WHOLE THING !
Yes I did.

To get an idea, there's the 3 current versions of the application.
I finished v.1 & v.2 last year, I fixed v.3.1 this week (all in all it took me 'bowt the equivalent of 3 full 12-hour days) :


Version 1 was a tester aimed at showing my idea at an early stage in the Assignment 2 timeline. The whole thing is based on the concept of virtually exploring an abandoned house. So I basically went there, took a couple of pictures, sequenced them in a flash document, added a couple of buttons, stopped the timeline and then enabled navigation between those pictures (each one more or less representing a room you can explore) simply through using gotoAndStop over and over and over again. Pretty basic. I didn't update the navigation since that by the way, the Version 3.1 still uses gotoAndStops, simple's nice :-) ... though it's really not that simple anymore but anyways !
So this tester also present some of the most important highlights of the final application.
'cause you see the final includes about 140 pictures (hence its size), I didn't put something interesting in every single frame/room ! Though I wish I had been able to, if I had had like a year to work on this project or what have you ... Anyways the Link Wall, Fire Exit Dude and especially the Control Panel are still some of the most important interactive frames within the application, in the finals likewise. Except in the Version 3.1 there's about 13 of them rather than 3, you get the picture.

Version 2 laid very strong foundations for the final. I kept most of its "bones" for the Version 3.1 . See what took me the longest while working on this version is the linking ... 140 pictures (I had to go back to the place and explore it thoroughly) ! Each of them with a link to say 2 or 3 other frames in average. It also meant that I had to make all these buttons, a good half of them tailor-made (I can't use the same template if a button has to match the size of a door and that each door has a different shape on the photos), one by one ! So all that got done (just on time if I can remember correctly) and it's still working now in the Version 3.1 so I think I didn't do such a bad job in this respect :-D
Now what does NOT work in this version is what you might call the "fine details". The space can be explored but that's pretty much it. One of the main problems is that I had a system of keys to unlock doors if the right codes were entered in the aforementioned Control Panel. See I knew the codes (duh, I programmed them lol) but though I was planning on leaving clues within the game that the user can pick up to get those codes, I did not have the time to do so ! So it's virtually unplayable ...
Another very big problem is that the final file size was almost 100Mbs, and as I did no know how to do loading bars back them (I learned that like 2 weeks ago as I write these lines), in order for the whole game to work, you were supposed to leave the 1st page load entirely, which could take a while. If you clicked the button to access the 2nd page while it was still loading, it would stop the loading and you would get stopped at some point in the game later on due to some missing buttons that had simply not been loaded at all ...
Finally, there were a couple of things that did not quite work, including a bugged layer, and also I did not put half as much stuff as I wanted to put in there, also there was no reward for finishing the game but a photo of a graffiti I did ... a but frustrating for someone who would have guessed the Control Panel codes on his own perhaps ?
Basically, like I said, it was functional but not playable. A big fat 2nd draft you could say I suppose, Hence why I decided to finish it :-D Which brings me to ...

Yes, "3.0" indeed, not "3.1".
I'm gonna separate the 2 because the work done between Version 2 & Version 3.0 was ENORMOUS and the work done between Version 3.0 & Version 3.1 was important also but not nearly as time-consuming and let's just say altogether of a totally different Nature (fixing ≠ fine tuning, geddit ?).
So anyways, Version 3.
What I did there is pretty much take Version 2 & go over all the things that had to be fixed (and fix them ... yeah).
I've got most of the notes I took in the process with me so I'll just make a list of the different jobs I did in a loosely chronological order :

- Fix that aforementioned bugged layer (it was the 1 for key #4, "Knight"/"Nite")
- Fix the Control Panel Notice which enables the user to understand how the Control Panel works (I did it last minute, it never worked, yet it's another thing that's essential 4 the game)
- Go over and fix all the objects in the game (5 at that point), most of them not quite working properly
- Reduce down the ridiculous size of the application from 95.89Mbs down to 15.79Mbs by tweaking the images' compression ratio thingy
- Add Windows Explorer pop-up windows-style warning when you're about to enter a point of no return in the game (3 in total), it sounds fair + they're neat
- Add the clues with the Control Panel codes to the game
- Add a link on the board at the start of the game that was supposed to say the name of the company that was selling the house or something. I found the new company name logo on this website. It's a big joke by Gorillaz, I thought it would be quite funny. It links to a fan website which talks about the old Kong which inspired me during the creation of this application (Kong that is)
- Tweak & refine some of the already existing functions. Now, for example, you can only animate the Fire Exit Guy once, once he has jumped out of the frame the sign will appear as empty
- Write over the "OMIT", "CHIME", "RESET", "PROG" & "SET" buttons using the pen tool so you can actually (kinda ?) read them. I hope it made the Control Panel a bit easier to operate
- Add a 5th key (the Pigeon Key, how cool) that would toggle a variable so you can't leave the house until you've seen the final room (that would be the hobo's "bedroom")
- Add a loader. That wasn't so hard in itself, I ripped off that exercise we did in class (the "home" & "about" pages were created by Andrew, not me) and came up with cool graphics for it. The pigeon graphic & pigeon key got inspired by the following images -
- Move frame 1 to frame 143 so frame 1 could be used as a welcome page thingy after the loading was complete. I had to move all the frame 1 ActionScript to frame 2 also
- Add an aim to the game - "Find the pigeon"
- Work out a more complete "Credits" page that states that the player has reached his aim (to find the pigeon, which is actually the drawn pigeon on the very Credits page) and thus completed the game. It includes 2 links, one to my homepage and one to restart the game, which is a function I also had to enable.

... That about covers it !

Also I was very delighted to noticed that my old link to the Gorillaz website Version 2 (Kong) on the Links Wall still works ! I thought they had taken Kong offline when they launched Plastic Beach but they haven't ! So awesome !
I was thinking about having a Home button in the top left corner theoughout the game but then I thought if someone clicked it by error it would restart the whole thing and they would lose their progress in the ongoing game ... kinda frustrating ! I thought I'd rather not bother about that. If I decide to incorporate one at some point it will have to include an "Are you sure ?" popup window thingy so I'll just leave it as it is for now.
Anyways that's what I did.
It's a bit frustrating 'cause a the end of the day most of the version looks exactly like Version 2 (same images, same buttons) and yet it's so different and I spent so much time fixing it !
But that's how it is. It worked well at that point, but I went on to refine it (today).

After I sent an e-mail to my aunt yesterday asking if she could get my little cousins to "test" the game if she thinks it's OK for them (they're 9, it might be a bit dark & grimy for them :-S) I checked it out myself and I noticed a couple of things that didn't quite work so I went on to edit it a bit further :

- I filled the empty Pigeon Key symbol in the popup message ... detail I had forgotten
- I resized the background on frame 1 that was a couple of pixels short on the right
- I edited the Version number from "3.0" to "3.1" (I know, it's "duh", but I still did it !)
- I moved all the buttons that are usually hidden under layers because I notices that if you used TAB they became selectable, and we don't want that ! So I moved them out of the frame (now TAB can be used to find door buttons if you get stuck)
- I added an argument that moves the loaded movie into the frame ONLY once it's been thoroughly loaded in order to avoid the aforementioned issue there too
- I added 3 variables so you can't leave the Control Panel once a key has dropped until you've picked it up so it can't just get stuck in mid-air which is a bug that could have happened in Version 3.0

That's basically it.
Fine tuning.

I'm so happy I did it :-D !
Now Andrew did mention that it would most probably not get counted towards this module, which is fair 'cause it includes a large proportion of work I did last year, but I'm still gonna put it in there 'cause I think it shows a good use of the UIloader and it can be relevant in this respect.

Anyways, I'll update that of I come up w/ a v.3.2 & what have you and hopefully next time I'll have some proper new work ... thou I'll probably go on to fix that Exercise 3 thingy from last year that I mentioned in the intro before that :-P

Anyways bye for now, ciao !

Monday, 7 February 2011

Layout win :-D

zHello !
Today's such a good day !
Why you ask ?
Well haven't you noticed ? I finished the new background picture :-D ! I's awesome :-D !
For those of you hat are still unclear as to what I'm on about (-_-) :

As I did lots of pixel work for that one and that it's not easy to appreciate it funny on here there's a x2 version for you fellow pixel lovers out there (the idea came from that thing).

Now that new background is made up 100% of previous creations by myself.
I assume nobody will give a crap about the rest of that post but I've spent so long on that thing, it's just for me really, for the good old ego, U know :-P

So there's the list of the files I took stuff from 2 create it :

-My MyOwnMusic animated .gif icons. I got the dancing stickmen, the different sized note logos, the "Peter Whyts" name logos, the mandolines, the grey houses and the yellow bus & train graphics off those.

-An old South Park avatar. I edited the knob board thingy (bottom of the clock, grey, beside the Pokemon avatar) from some typography from the 1.

-DeviantArt animated .gif avatars. I got the 2 exclamation marks on red backgrounds, Pop Skulls, 10x10pix template, small Pokeball, Sableye avatar (very top right of the image) & Frankenstein head from those.

-That old custom made Trainer's Card. I got the big Pokeball & the trainer avatar from it.

-Some old custom made Worms World Party flags ! I got quite a couple of things from those, a couple of worms, the tank, the bird, the fire cobra thing, 2 cars, yeah ...

-Very very old (I might have been 8 when I started those lol seriously !) pixelated bitmaps ! I got almost all of the various cars and yet another Pokeball, the Pikachu, the Ditto, the "Celine" nametags, the space rockets and a couple of other things from 2 of them that are a collection of cars, basically. Then I had a whole collection of pearl crocodiles I'd play with as a kid (true story, kinda like this one but 1000 times cooler, that's right) and I kept a record of them on another bitmap, they each had a little icon and that. I got the crocodile and random icons of those.

-And finally, I've been working on pixel fonts for a looong long time and I put them all together in a document for research purposes for a module on the 1st term, I used that too a tiny but to fill space up with fonts at some point.

I had also ripped icons from this image from eBoy, that image from Paul Robertson's site & a couple more icons from Pokemon games (the item icons for the stuff in the bag, LeafGreen/FireRed onwards). Oh and I copied stuff from my phone's screen also ... Anyways I ended up not using them so it only shows my work and my work only (more genuine, less chances 2 get into trouble lol) but I did get inspired by how the eBoy pic used space fillers.
Basically I used each icon once only throughout the picture EXCEPT for the tiny spaceships here & there (as in 3x4px~5x7px tiny lol) that are from some Star Wars-y bitmap I did a long time ago also, those are space fillers.
Last thing, I kept them all in the same way that they are on the original documents, no horizontal flip or anything. It's the way "kept things simple" as I always do in a way or another in this instance :-P

Anyways so ... yeah :-D

So happy I'm done with it :-)

Andrew mentioned trying to do a solid wallpaper from them all ...
Next step ?
We'll see :-)

Anyways more stuff (and it will be a Flash app this time I almost promise :-D) soon, ciaoies now :-D

Friday, 4 February 2011

Inspiration update

Why hello hello !

Been a while ...
I've been having problems with data storage, my laptop is getting picked up & (very very hopefully :-S) fixed by the Dell dudes next week & some data on my USB got wiped on thuesday ... GREAT NEWS :-D !
+1 4 my motivation ...
Anyways it explains why I aint finished my awesome background yet (PC's going berzerk, overheats I think) ... well it does to me anyways !
If U want more details on the said technical problems check out my post on the other blog, U'll B happy 2 know that it's at the top of the article ...

OK then I found back 2 dudes that might inspire me in that project :

Paul Robertson

Keith Thompson

(-son son son huhu)

Paul Robertson is pixel-based, his stuff links to what I'm working on for the background, and Keith Thompson is a very skilled and dark illustrator.
They both have pretty freaky styles, Paul 'cause he got weiiird fetishes you'll know about if you're familiar with 4chan (Angrew pointed this out lol) & Keith 'cause his mind is full of undead, zombies, androids & ancient Mythology & that he's got a very realistic style, so whatever he draws looks real.

So beware before you click but regardless of the above, they're both really really good !

Now there's a couple more links related to Paul I got to share :

The Homepage for him & his friends, a goldmine really.

MechaFetus blog
Posts by him & his friends, same basically, it's full of good stuff, I love it :-D

Let's race to the sun !
An animation by him. Makes me wanna get into onion skins on Flash, I think I'll get to that at some point in the module.

Another animation by him. Makes me wanna get into onion skins even more :-P I like the way the character transforms itself, it seems to be one of Paul's specialities (direct link), it's very impressive. I did animated gifs myself in the past, for avatars mainly, I might post more about this later. There's the latest ones I worked on (for DeviantArt) :
1, 2, 3.

Running forever ...
That's a flash App he did. It presents a robot running forever and then you can also add stickers to the screen (probably using .addchild or so). It's really simple and bugged (i.e.: screenshot lol) but quite fun to have a play around with so I might get inspired by that for my own apps also.

Robochi gets flamed
A 3D vid on Youtube. Thou I'm not planning on getting into 3D before a while I like the way he uses the character as well as the scenery and the way he simply changed the texture to change the robot's emotion. It might inspire me in the future.

Cards Sagas Wars
This is an AWESOME website which presents a collection of cards depicting characters from various video games (RPGs mostly) in a smiliar pixel style. I love the idea of getting characters or elements from various sources together, of course this kind of practice is dangerous because of copyright issues but I think it's a real shame and those chars are really well done ! I love the fact that you got Tyrael (Diablo), Bomberman (Bomberman) & Pikachu (Pokemon) on the same page in the same format as if they were always meant to belong together :-)
I think I will be tempted by this approach of borrowing from here & there and putting everything in the same melting pot so that will be the influence then.
Also +1 for the awesome pixel font that I will most probably steal sooner or later :-D
The website is in Spanish (I think ?) so it's hard to find your way around and understand what's going on whatsoever but from what I got they're gonna use some of the sprites to create a video games.
You'll be able to find trailers on this channel and explanations in English on this page (just scroll down until you see "F.A.Q.").
It's not directly related to Paul but I think some of the dudes that work or live with him collaborated to that and I found the website on the 1st place by clicking some kind of link on one of Paul's or one of Paul's friends' website so that's why it's in here.

Elena sent me a link to that awesome website. I really like it, it's so great ! I don't know if it will be relevant to what I'll do but it's really impressive and also really simple, I'm loving it anyway. It's totally unrelated to Paul & Keith this one, by the way ...

Poop Chase
The stuff on Paul's websites reminded me of that old animation that I found back for you guys. It's funny & gross, gross & funny, but also the characters work very well thou they're simple, so I might draw inspiration from that also. Oh and enjoy :-D !

Now because all the stuff from Paul Robertson is not relevant 2 this 1 module, I posted some links on the other blog only, so click here for more stuff on Paul Robertson.

Well that's it for today !
Still no Flash App but I'll be working on that.
I got ideas & concepts for 3 Apps based on time, 2 Apps based on characters (c.f.: this blog's pic ;-D) & an App based on the interaction between several buttons you can click inspied by the stuff I did last year on Flash (the final) & Processing (the Consoles). + a couple more spare ideas of course, as usual lol
So more on here soon :-) !

Oh and the background, the background indeed ...

Anyways be in touch shortly, take care !