Friday 4 February 2011

Inspiration update

Why hello hello !

Been a while ...
I've been having problems with data storage, my laptop is getting picked up & (very very hopefully :-S) fixed by the Dell dudes next week & some data on my USB got wiped on thuesday ... GREAT NEWS :-D !
+1 4 my motivation ...
Anyways it explains why I aint finished my awesome background yet (PC's going berzerk, overheats I think) ... well it does to me anyways !
If U want more details on the said technical problems check out my post on the other blog, U'll B happy 2 know that it's at the top of the article ...

OK then I found back 2 dudes that might inspire me in that project :

Paul Robertson

Keith Thompson

(-son son son huhu)

Paul Robertson is pixel-based, his stuff links to what I'm working on for the background, and Keith Thompson is a very skilled and dark illustrator.
They both have pretty freaky styles, Paul 'cause he got weiiird fetishes you'll know about if you're familiar with 4chan (Angrew pointed this out lol) & Keith 'cause his mind is full of undead, zombies, androids & ancient Mythology & that he's got a very realistic style, so whatever he draws looks real.

So beware before you click but regardless of the above, they're both really really good !

Now there's a couple more links related to Paul I got to share :

The Homepage for him & his friends, a goldmine really.

MechaFetus blog
Posts by him & his friends, same basically, it's full of good stuff, I love it :-D

Let's race to the sun !
An animation by him. Makes me wanna get into onion skins on Flash, I think I'll get to that at some point in the module.

Another animation by him. Makes me wanna get into onion skins even more :-P I like the way the character transforms itself, it seems to be one of Paul's specialities (direct link), it's very impressive. I did animated gifs myself in the past, for avatars mainly, I might post more about this later. There's the latest ones I worked on (for DeviantArt) :
1, 2, 3.

Running forever ...
That's a flash App he did. It presents a robot running forever and then you can also add stickers to the screen (probably using .addchild or so). It's really simple and bugged (i.e.: screenshot lol) but quite fun to have a play around with so I might get inspired by that for my own apps also.

Robochi gets flamed
A 3D vid on Youtube. Thou I'm not planning on getting into 3D before a while I like the way he uses the character as well as the scenery and the way he simply changed the texture to change the robot's emotion. It might inspire me in the future.

Cards Sagas Wars
This is an AWESOME website which presents a collection of cards depicting characters from various video games (RPGs mostly) in a smiliar pixel style. I love the idea of getting characters or elements from various sources together, of course this kind of practice is dangerous because of copyright issues but I think it's a real shame and those chars are really well done ! I love the fact that you got Tyrael (Diablo), Bomberman (Bomberman) & Pikachu (Pokemon) on the same page in the same format as if they were always meant to belong together :-)
I think I will be tempted by this approach of borrowing from here & there and putting everything in the same melting pot so that will be the influence then.
Also +1 for the awesome pixel font that I will most probably steal sooner or later :-D
The website is in Spanish (I think ?) so it's hard to find your way around and understand what's going on whatsoever but from what I got they're gonna use some of the sprites to create a video games.
You'll be able to find trailers on this channel and explanations in English on this page (just scroll down until you see "F.A.Q.").
It's not directly related to Paul but I think some of the dudes that work or live with him collaborated to that and I found the website on the 1st place by clicking some kind of link on one of Paul's or one of Paul's friends' website so that's why it's in here.

Elena sent me a link to that awesome website. I really like it, it's so great ! I don't know if it will be relevant to what I'll do but it's really impressive and also really simple, I'm loving it anyway. It's totally unrelated to Paul & Keith this one, by the way ...

Poop Chase
The stuff on Paul's websites reminded me of that old animation that I found back for you guys. It's funny & gross, gross & funny, but also the characters work very well thou they're simple, so I might draw inspiration from that also. Oh and enjoy :-D !

Now because all the stuff from Paul Robertson is not relevant 2 this 1 module, I posted some links on the other blog only, so click here for more stuff on Paul Robertson.

Well that's it for today !
Still no Flash App but I'll be working on that.
I got ideas & concepts for 3 Apps based on time, 2 Apps based on characters (c.f.: this blog's pic ;-D) & an App based on the interaction between several buttons you can click inspied by the stuff I did last year on Flash (the final) & Processing (the Consoles). + a couple more spare ideas of course, as usual lol
So more on here soon :-) !

Oh and the background, the background indeed ...

Anyways be in touch shortly, take care !

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